Saturday, January 21, 2006

It's over

So the training is over. I'm pretty sure I'll be recertified, but I honestly don't think the other two people should be. In their last interview, they botched it as badly as anyone could have. The candidate was truly angry by the time they finished, and he had every right to be. Oh, well, stuff happens.
Then I was informed that I would be teaching OPSAV for the next 4 weeks. That's a course that focuses on speaking fluency, primarily for pilots and public affairs officers. So all I have to do is devise scenarios for them to speak, then sit back and let them talk. It's actually pretty easy.
That great economy Bush talked about apparently wasn't so great after all. The earnings reports for the quarter he bragged about were terrible, so the stock market dropped 200 points. His mouth spews shit and you just have to wait for reality to make it smell bad enough for people to get it.
I actually must have been in a better mood this week. One of the trainers said I was "sensitive" and a colleague said I always seemed to have a smile on my face. Huh? Me? Just two weeks ago I was accused of being a curmudgeon.
Oh, a colleague of mine and I also had to give a presentation on our trip to Iraq. That was actually kind of fun.

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