Saturday, March 10, 2007

Kucinich and Tajikistan

Oh, man, just too much stuff going on in my life. Today I went to a San Antonio Progressive Action Committee meeting. I went as a Veterans for Peace representative. 4 members of the Houston chapter came, and two members of the Military Families Speak Out organization were also there. There were at least three major (well, for San Antonio, anyway) liberal groups meeting and discussing business. I was glad to meet the MFSO reps, since I'll be having brunch with Nancy Lessin, one of the founders of the group, tomorrow. I'm broke, but they gave me a tee shirt to wear at the brunch. Very nice. Anyway, today's keynote speaker was Dennis Kucinich. I will definitely vote for him in the Dem primary. If we lived in a real Democracy where votes count more than dollars, he'd probably be our next president. He's a really good speaker. He also brought his new campaign 2006 wife. She's very pretty and MUCH taller than him.
Anyway, I have a little more than a month before I leave for a six-month teaching assignment in Tajikistan. I'm really excited about going. I mean, how many people do you know who've been to Tajikistan. As it turns out, I know 4. I'll make a little extra money, which will help pay down our bills. I'm hoping we can get out of debt this year. Our Prius will be paid off next month, and then we can focus on other bills.
I'm not quite so angry lately, but I'll probably go back to that if the Dems don't hold Congress or don't win the presidency next year. I really like Kucinich and Edwards. Robertson would be a good VP. Oh, well...six months is a pretty long time. Some people say the "real" candidates will already be determined by the time I get back.