Sunday, July 05, 2015

Good times

It's been a good couple of weeks for liberals. Obamacare is affirmed by the Supreme Court. Next step: replace it with single payer next time we have the White House and Congress. Marriage equality is the law of the land. The religious right wing outliers who are still resisting look stupider every day. The 14 or so Republican presidential candidates are competing to see who can look dumber than the others. They're ripping themselves apart on immigration and the rebel flag and ignoring the Constitution. How fun.
On our side, I think the Clinton-Sanders rivalry is good. More people identify as Democrats than Republicans by about 9%. Obama is shaping the coming election as trickle-down economics vs. middle class economics. If Democrats can make that stick, we win big in 2016. And Obama is slowly getting the respect he deserves. He has achieved so much in such a hostile environment.
So I'm going to remain positive. The pendulum is swinging back in our direction. Life is good.

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