Monday, January 21, 2008

The "C" word

Conservatives did a good job, over decades, using a steady propaganda campaign to make "liberal" a pejorative. They were so successful that we on the left have switched to a new word - progressive. How about turning the tables? If you look at the state of the union, we live in a conservative-created world. First and foremost, conservatives can certainly be branded as hypocrites. They SAY they defend the Consitution, but for the last 7 years it has been under siege by the right. They SAY they're for small government, but the size of the federal government and its subsequent interference in our daily lives have seen exponential growth under the Republican government. They SAY they're compassionate conservatives, but for the last 7 years government has become an advocate for the rich and powerful at the expense of the the middle class and the poor. They SAY they're for limited interference in the affairs of foreign countries, but their misguided dabbling in other countries, including one war that never should have started and the two poorly managed wars, have created the strongest anti-American sentiment in history. They SAY they are the party of fiscal responsibility, yet the "conservative" president is leaving us 9 TRILLION dollars in debt. We have a mean spirited and divided country, low on morale and fearing the future. This is the Bush legacy, but it's also the legacy of the Republican Party and of conservatives in general. Conservatives can't be expected to fix this - they created it. While the current crop of Repulican candidates are distancing themselves from Bush, they are not distancing themselves from his policies. They all support the war, in varying degrees and they all repeat the mantra of "tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts." They are all conservative hypocrites who represent one group and one group only - rich white guys. That's the group that thrived under Bush, and all the "conservative" candidates will make sure that continues.

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