Monday, December 24, 2007

No Muse

I haven't written in months. Not my blog, not a short story, not a play, not a novel, not an op-ed piece. My wife thinks something is wrong. I guess there is. I have this feeling that something is about to happen - something big, something life-changing - and that it's not worth it to write before the big event because everything written before it will seem trivial and meaningless. Of course, the smart thing to do would be to write about that, which is essentially what I'm doing here.
What can it be? Maybe a new depression. Even the worst doomsayers believe we're going to have a recession in 2008. I think it will be worse. I think people will lose their homes and jobs in much greater numbers than anticipated. The housing crunch is already happening and a similar credit card crunch is looming. When consumers in our consumer economy finally max out their credit lines, they will have to stop buying. I think 2008 will finally see Chrysler go belly up. Some restaurants and theme parks (the most obvious receivers of discretionary spending) will die. Ford and GM will survive, but close more plants. In the meantime, gas and groceries will continue to cost more, at a time when a lot of Americans have no wiggle room in their monthly budgets. The sinking value of the dollar will make our clothes and cars and computers and most other basics that are made overseas cost more and more. I can't help it - I think there's a perfect storm brewing, and the government will be in no position to help. W is leaving us with more than 9 trillion dollars in debt! He's also leaving us a war that sucks up any governmental discretionary spending. I think it will be so bad that people will go back to growing their own vegetable gardens. Some will live in houses without electricity.
I do believe this could happen in 2008, but may wait a couple more years.
One of my writing projects is about what happens after the fall. I guess that's what I should work on.

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